1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
mouvin 04.11.2024

Examination questions


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General Medicine - actual state exam questions in SIS
Dentistry - actual exam questions in SIS
ERASMUS students - actual exam questions in SIS

Materials for Hygiene

Environment and human health

Introduction to Hygiene and Epidemiology (V. Bencko) - [pdf] - updated 28.1.2013
Toxicology (M. Tuček) - [pdf] - updated 26.9.2023
Physical Factors (A. Horňáková) - [pdf] - updated 10.10.2022
Physical Factors_I (A. Horňáková) for Dentistry/ERASMUS students - [pdf] - updated 2.10.2022
Physical Factors_II (A. Horňáková) for Dentistry/ERASMUS students - [pdf] - updated 2.10.2022
Requirements for security of radiation protection - pdf - restored 17.10.2022
Late effects of xenobiotics (P. Rössner) - pdf - restored 17.10.2022
Exposure to Mercury and its Compounds (M. Tuček) - [pdf] - updated 26.1.2020
http://www.mercuryconvention.org - [link] - updated 29.9.2022
Water (M. Bušová) - [pdf] - added 16.1.2017
Endocrine disruptors (M. Bušová) - [pdf] - added 22.1.2019
https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/refugee-and-migrant-health - [link] - added 7.11.2022
https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/293270/Migration-Health-Key-Issues-.pdf - [link] - added 7.11.2022
ICRC - Medical Waste Management - [link] - added 4.11.2024

Occupational health

Occupational Health Risk Assessment (M. Tuček) - [pdf] - updated 13.10.2022


Malnutrition (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - updated 26.9.2023
Infant and young child feeding (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - updated 26.9.2023
Food and dietary guidelines (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - updated 26.9.2023
Assessment of nutritional status (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - updated 25.1.2017
Alternative diets (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - updated 26.9.2023
Microorganisms in food (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - updated 26.9.2023
Food hygiene (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - added 25.1.2017
Nutrition Challenges Trends (E. Kudlová) - [pdf] - added 3.10.2022
Nutritional toxicology (M. Bušová) - [pdf] - updated 4.11.2022

Substance abuse

Tobacco dependence: Epidemiology (E. Králíková) - [pdf] - added 11.10.2022
Tobacco dependence: Treatment in daily practice (E. Králíková) - [pdf] - added 11.10.2022
Harm reduction in tobacco/nicotine use (E. Králíková) - [pdf] - added 11.10.2022
Psychiatry and smoking (E. Králíková) - [pdf] - added 11.10.2022
Substance use disorder (J. Švarc) - [pdf] - added 23.2.2011

Materials for Epidemiology and statistics

Epidemiological methods (J. Pikhartová) - [pdf] - updated 20.10.2023
Epidemiological methods (H. Pikhart) - [pdf] - added 18.10.2022
Cancer epidemiology (I. Holcátová) - [pdf] - verified 23.9.2024
Epidemiology of CVD (A. Pánková) - [pdf] - updated 1.11.2022
Statistics in epidemiology (A. Horňáková) - [pdf] - updated 10.10.2022
Antimicrobial stewardship (P. Smejkal) - [pdf] - added 11.10.2022
Health care associated infections (P. Smejkal) - [pdf] - added 11.10.2022
Process of spreading infections; Methods of control infections; Nosocomial infections (M. Schejbalová) - pdf - restored 17.10.2022
Statistical methodology in epidemiology (J. Zvárová) - pdf - restored 17.10.2022
Introduction to epidemiology and epidemiology of communicable diseases (Z. Šmerhovský) - [pdf] - added 30.11.2011

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